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Talk to the Entities : Intermediate

This class will be live in Paris XV
july 16th, beginning at 9:30 am, max ending time: 6pm (depending on lunch break and to have ease with transports).

Now that you have attended a beginning class,
you have every tool to create ease in a whole lot of situations!
It's time to step up with communication!

There's more than verbal communication with entities,
way more! And it's about being confident with all forms,
as it relies on you confidence to trust the energy you be
and convey to create a clear and easy way to gift and receive
the energy, space and consciousness with and from
the spirit realm so you trust the langage of energy
that's both innate and yet to re-access, particularly with entities.

You'll receive another manual with a lot of new tools
and processes to handle more in depth awarenesses
of situations you might enconteer.

It's a new energetic level to grow your capacity to receive more,
not only with entities but with everything.

Are you willing to step up with ease?

Price: 760€

Please contact me before buying so we can check your pre-reqs together.
Foundation or any advanced class within 12 months.
TTTE Beginning, Intermediate or Advanced within 12 months.

Intermediate Talk to the entities class - Paris July16th

760,00 €Prix

    Pour le fun de faire la liste :

    Psychologue  |  Kinésiologue  |  Hypnothérapeute  |  Harmonisation Vitale  |  Médecine Chinoise Énergétique  |  Marmathérapie  

    Facilitateur Certifié d'Access Consciousness  | Praticien BARS, Facelift, Processus Corporels avancés, ESSE, SOP Maestro

    Praticien HappyMouth  |  Coach Mbraining  |  Facilitateur Psych-K  |  Praticien en Chi Nei Tsang  | Praticien en Bioénergie Méthode Domancic  |  Masseur M5C, LHL et Shinzu  |  Praticien Avancé Quantum Touch  |  Praticien de la Reconnexion

    Reiki Usui, Karuna Ki, Cristal, Kundalini, Sechem  | Tachyon-Aether-Plasma  | Feng Shui-Géobiologie

    Phytothérapie-Aromathérapie-Nutrition  |  Homéopathie

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